do_mysql_connect(); # # To use simply use a simple SQL query and pass it to one of the # functions like this: # # $sql = "SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE 1"' # $res = $sql_class -> run_sql_query($sql); # # This will return the MySQL result as normal or show an error on # failure. The other 2 functions are: # # $array = $sql_class -> return_sql_array($sql); # $num = $sql_class -> return_sql_rows($sql); # # The first returns an array of fields from a given query and the # second return the number of rows from a given query. # ############################################## */ class sql_queries { var $mysql; var $mysql_connect; function define_settings() { /* This is where the settings for MySQL and error handling are set. This information must be correct or the class will not work. host: This is the server that mysql is on, leave as localhost in most cases! user: The username used for your mysql account. pass: The password used for your mysql account. db: this is the database you want to connect to, if you will be using more than one, set this to the primary db! */ $this -> mysql['host'] = ""; $this -> mysql['user'] = ""; $this -> mysql['pass'] = ""; $this -> mysql['db'] = ""; /* In the event of an error you can output custom messages to the user. The first 2 errors will only appear if the script cannot connect, the other setting is for general errors. */ $this -> mysql['con_error'] = "MySQL encountered a severe error while trying to connect to the hostn"; $this -> mysql['db_error'] = "MySQL encountered a severe error while trying to use the databasen"; $this -> mysql['gen_error'] = "MySQL Error: Due to a database error this page cannot be displayedn"; /* If an error does occur a log file will write the error to file for debugging and error checking. Should you wish to put the file in a sub directory, chmod it to 777 along with the file. */ $this -> mysql['log_file'] = "mysql_errors.log"; } function geefFH_DB() { $this -> define_settings(); $connection = @mysql_connect($this -> mysql['host'], $this -> mysql['user'], $this -> mysql['pass']); // connection made ? if( $connection ) { // select the database if( !mysql_select_db($this -> mysql['db'], $connection ) ) { // could not select database! die('Could not select the database! Error: ' . mysql_error() ); } } // could not connect to the database else { die('Could not make a connection to the database! Error: ' . mysql_error() ); } return $connection; } // !! DO NOT EDIT PAST THIS POINT !! // function do_mysql_connect() { $this -> define_settings(); $mysql_connect = @mysql_pconnect($this -> mysql['host'], $this -> mysql['user'], $this -> mysql['pass']); $mysql_database = @mysql_select_db($this -> mysql['db']); if (!$mysql_connect) { echo "
n"; echo $this -> mysql['con_error']; $sql_class = new sql_queries(); $sql_error = mysql_error(); $sql_log = $sql_class -> log_sql_error("mysql_pconnect", $sql_error); } elseif (!$mysql_database) { echo "
n"; echo $this -> mysql['db_error']; $sql_class = new sql_queries(); $sql_error = mysql_error(); $sql_log = $sql_class -> log_sql_error("mysql_select_db", $sql_error); } } function run_sql_query($sql_code) { $sql_result = @mysql_query($sql_code); if (!$sql_result) { $sql_error = @mysql_error(); //echo "
n"; //echo "

".$this -> mysql['gen_error']."

n"; $this -> log_sql_error($sql_code, $sql_error); return(false); } else { return ($sql_result); } } function return_sql_array($sql_code) { $sql_result = @mysql_query($sql_code); if (!$sql_result) { $sql_error = mysql_error(); //echo "
n"; //echo "

".$this -> mysql['gen_error']."

n"; $this -> log_sql_error($sql_code, $sql_error); return(false); } else { $sql_array = @mysql_fetch_array($sql_result); return ($sql_array); } } function retrun_sql_rows($sql_code) { $sql_result = @mysql_query($sql_code); if (!$sql_result) { $sql_error = @mysql_error(); echo "
n"; echo "

".$this -> mysql['gen_error']."

n"; $this -> log_sql_error($sql_code, $sql_error); return(false); } else { $sql_num_rows = @mysql_num_rows($sql_result); return ($sql_num_rows); } } function log_sql_error($sql_code, $sql_error) { // $this -> define_settings(); /* if ($log_file = fopen($this -> mysql['log_file'], "a")) { $message = "[".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."] "."MySQL query ".$sql_code." produced this error: $sql_error"; fwrite($log_file, date("[d-m-Y H:i:s] ") . $message . "n"); fclose($log_file); exit; } */ } } ?>